Fieldcode Germany GmbH 应用

FieldService App 1.4.3
Field Service Application is dedicated to technicians,handlingtheir daily assignments while working at the customer'ssite. Alldata related to the onsite visit is entered in the form ofa reportand synchronized on the back-end upon completion. Theapplicationenables the user to: - view a structured list of tasks -track theprogress when solving tasks - report task completion bycollectingall relevant documentation Field Service Application issolely usedby the permanent employees of one specific customer ofFieldcode.It will ask for the technician's permission to access thelocation(GPS) data with initial login. The technician's currentlocationdata is used to see their assigned jobs in the mapfunction. Thelatest location is also submitted while the app. isused in thebackground to plan the same day activities by the backoffice andto fulfil and manage contractual obligations of thecustomers.
Fieldcode mobile app 1.6.9_20230526.5
Keep track of your daily field assignments with Fieldcode.
Fieldcode information center 1.2.5
Keep track of your field service events' progress, status anddelivery data
Fieldcode FMA 1.1.1_20231031.1
Keep track of your daily field assignments with Fieldcode.